DOHA: The number of driving licences issued in the country increased by 83 per cent while the number of vehicles registered went up by 43.2 per cent to 1,579 and 5,582, respectively, during the month of July compared to June 2020, according to the monthly bulletin of the Planning and Statistics Authority.
A total of 548 road accidents were recorded in July, 2020, showing a monthly increase of 51.8 per cent. There were light injuries in majority of accident cases with 87 per cent, followed by severe injuries by 11 per cent. However, 12 deaths were recorded, equivalent to only 2 per cent of the cases during the period.
The total number of traffic violations increased by 49.9 per cent in July compared to June, 2020. Speeding (radar) violations accounted for 66.3 per cent of the total traffic violations during the period.