Sporting events marked the conclusion of the eighth edition of Ashghal’s Ramadan Tournament for Football and Accompanying Games. Qatar Club hosted the final football match between the President’s Office team and Petroserv, won by the latter. Al Jaber and Makhlouf won the final basketball match against the CCC team. The final matches were attended by Ashghal officials and representatives of various companies.
The event witnessed the participation of all Ashghal departments and 16 Ashghal contractors in seven different competitions. The items included football, billiards, table tennis, cycling and PlayStation. The event was held to allow employees and officials to participate in the tournaments and exercise during Ramadan. Ashghal President Saad bin Ahmad Al Muhannadi pointed out the tournament could reunite Ashghal employees and those of companies that collaborate with Ashghal in the holy month of Ramadan.